New version Angular 9

AngularJS Tutorial - 5 - Error handling

In this part we will discover services and factories with wich we will manage the error handling.



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Services and factories

In angular is possible to define


For example a factory can be the following. The "Setup DateFactory" is colled only once, hence the setup is executed only once.

module.factory('DateFactory',[ function() {
    console.log("Setup DateFactory");
    return function(prefix){
        var date = new Date();
        return prefix+date;

When i include it as dependency in a controller i can invoke the function returned.

    $scope.currentDate = DateFactory("prefix");


An object is created, once, with the specific methods and variables exposed. The "Setup DateService" is called only once, hence the setup is executed only once.

module.service('DateService',[ function() {
    console.log("Setup DateService");
    this.prefixDate = function(prefix){
        var date = new Date();
        return prefix+date;

When i include it as dependency in a controller i can invoke the function exposed by the object.

    $scope.currentDate = DateService.prefixDate("prefix");

Making a service with a factory

I can also create the data service with a factory

module.factory('DateServiceFactory',[ function() {
    console.log("Setup DateServiceFactory");
    this.dateService = {
        prefixDate: function(prefix){
            var date = new Date();
            return prefix+date;
    return this.dateService;

And i will use it in the controller like the following. With this approach i have still a singleton service.

    $scope.currentDate = DateServiceFactory().prefixDate("prefix");

Error Messages

We will creat a new module in its directory (app/common/module.js) with an additional services.js file. We will add this module as dependency for the customers module.

We will create a service to manage the messages in services.js. Note the usage of the $rootScope. This is to ensure that ALL application manage the messages consistently.

common.service('globalMessagesService', ['$rootScope',function($rootScope) {
    $rootScope.messages = [];
    this.showMessage = function(text,level){
    this.clearMessages = function(){
        $rootScope.messages = [];

On the main page we will add the bindings for the messages. Note that we found now that the rootscope is the one visible right after the declaration of the ng-app!

<body ng-app="app">
    <div class="alert alert-danger"
         role="alert" data-ng-repeat="message in messages">
    <div ng-view></div>

Handling errors

To add error handling on the controllers we will add to them a dependency form globalMessagesService.

On their constructor we will add the cleanup of errors. The same function will be called as first line in update,delete and save methods.


Then after all calls to $http.succes(...) we will add the error management:

                globalMessagesService.showMessage("Error "+status,"error");

Now going on a non existing customer detail we will see the error :)

Last modified on: April 10, 2015