Portable Servers
A series of portable servers and clients to start development without littering your WINDOWS box
For the installation, it is enough to extract everything in the same directory!
Remind that every version has its own data directory
Tested on:
- Windows 10 Home
- Windows 10 Pro
Remember that if you want to start "instantly" a defined version, you should set the variable "[product]_version" to the version you need.
For example:
- set artifactory_VERSION=6.17.1
- set jdk_VERSION=11.0.2
- set erlang_VERSION=otp-22.1
These are always included in every distribution
- utils: some small utilities to ease the scripts development
- cleanup.bat: Cleanup of all data
- pack.bat Pack all current installations
- Versions
Portable RabbitMQ
- Start: prabbit.bat
- Start Manager: prabbit_client.bat (web)
- Port: 5672
- Manager: http://localhost:15672
- Login/Password: guest/guest
- Data Dir: data\rabbitmq
- Versions
Portable HsqlDb
- Start: phsqldb.bat
- Start Manager: phsql_clientdb.bat
- Connection string: jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/
- Port: 9001
- Login: SA
- Driver: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
- Engine: HSQL Database Engine Server
- Data Dir: data\hsqldb
- Versions
Portable MongoDb
- Start: pmongo.bat
- Start Manager: pmongo_client.bat (robo3t)
- Host: localhost
- Port: 27017
- Data Dir: data\mongodb
- Versions
Portable Kafka
- Start: pkafka.bat
- Start Manager: pkafka_client.bat (kadec)
- Port: 2181
- Data Dir: data\kafka
- Versions
Portable Zookeeper
- Start: pzookeeper.bat
- Port: 8080
- Data Dir: data\zookeeper
- Versions
Portable Artifactory
Remember that at the first startup (empty data dir) you will need to set the password for admin (something like !Passw0rd) and setup the repository types!
- Start: partifactory.bat
- Port: 8081
- Login: admin/password (must be changed at first access)
- Data Dir: data\artifactory
- Versions
In a command line can setup the environment variables for the given languages/development environment
Portable Scala
- Start: pscala.bat
- Versions
Portable Jdk
- Start: pjdk.bat
- Default the most recent. Can be choosen through prompt
- Versions
Portable ErLang
- Start: perlang.bat
- Versions
Portable Maven
- Start: pmaven.bat
- Data Dir: data\maven
- Versions
Portable Gradle
- Start: pgradle.bat
- Data Dir: data\gradle
- Versions
Portable NodeJs
- Start: pnode.bat
- Data Dir: data\nodejs
- Versions
Portable Php
- Start: pphp.bat
- Start server: Into the files dir: php -S localhost:8000
- Versions
Portable Clojure
- Start: pclojure.bat
- Versions
Portable Leiningen
- Start: plein.bat
- Versions
Portable Boot-Clj
- Start: pboot.bat
- Versions
Last modified on: February 17, 2020