New version Angular 9
The idea of this tutorial is giving the base to do the following with AngularJs, and to build some common useful library to ease the development:
This is what will do in this very first step!
This will be the chapters:
To Do
The source for this part is here:
We prepare the base of our application including angular js
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta content="text/html;charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"> <meta content="utf-8" http-equiv="encoding"> <!--Angular js binding--> <script type="text/javascript" src="lib/angular/angular.min.js"></script> </head> <body> </body> </html>
Let's start with a basic application. We will show "Hello [name]" if the input text contains a text.
First we should setup an app inside the head. We create the 'helloModule'. Note the function call, the list of dependencies MUST be present and CAN be empty. The module name is anything we want. The dependencies list contains the names of the module needed by the current module.
angular.module('moduleName',[list of dependencies]);
<head> ... <script type="text/javascript"> var app = angular.module('helloModule',[]); </script> </head> ...
<body ng-app="helloModule"> <div> Say hello to: <input ng-model="helloTo" type="text" /></br> <span ng-if="helloTo.length>0">Hello to {{helloTo}}</span> </div> </body>
This works out of the box. Loading the page will show the Hello to 'name' when some content is present inside the input text. Changing the content of the input text will automagically show the span!
We want to remove the function in ng-if to show a more pleasant "hasHelloValue()". We should then build a "container" for this function. It will be the controller!
A new controller is created inside the application: helloController. Note the declaration:
app.controller('controllerName', ['dependency1',...,'dependencyn',function(dependency1,...,dependencyn){ //function body }]);
The first list contains the 'official names' of the dependencies. If our controller is used by another controller, we will insert here the string 'helloController'. They must match the function parameters. This will be used for the minification of the angular javascript files (see the note on minification )
We use the $scope variable here we will address it in a few lines
var app = angular.module('helloModule',[]); app.controller('helloController',['$scope',function($scope){ $scope.hasHelloValue = function(){ return $scope.helloTo.length>0; } }]};
And we connect it to the html.
<body ng-app="helloModule"> <div ng-controller="helloController"> Say hello to: <input ng-model="helloTo" type="text" /></br> <span ng-if="hasHelloValue()">Hello to {{helloTo}}</span> </div> </body>
We used a special parameter, the '$scope' inside our controller declaration. And we added the function to the scope!
This is the context of the controller. Note that
When a javascript file is minified (kind of compressed) the function names and parameters are reduced to shorter strings, like longFunctionName(longParameterName) can be transformed into f1(p1). The 'real' strings are instead mantained. To understand the dependencies and parameters angular use the trick to declare the "string" names of dependencies and parameters.
app.controller('helloController',['$scope',function($scope){ ... }]);
The previous would be totally equivalent to:
app.controller('helloController',function($scope){ ... });
But the declaration without the string parameters cannot be minified.